Product FAQs
What is certified organic beef & lamb?
In simple terms anything that is organic has not used or been grown with any artificial fertilisers or pesticides. An organic farm develops naturally and gradually, free from any chemicals. Animals are not fed any growth hormones or antibiotics and are kept in natural, stress free environments. All certified organic farms are audited regularly to ensure the compliance of specified guidelines and methods.
Is your beef & lamb grain fed?
No! Conventional beef has usually been grazed on pastures grown with artificial fertilisers and chemicals and then grain fattened with the assistance of hormones and antibiotics. Our beef and lamb is fattened on natural, chemical free pastures. Grass fed beef has a proven higher level of healthy omega 3 fatty acids, high levels of Vitamin E, CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) and is lower in fat and calories.
How are your animals processed?
Our animals are processed in line with Australian certified organic standards. Our beef and lamb is processed locally therefore transport is kept to an absolute minimum and our animals have a lower carbon footprint. Our stock leaves our farm late Sunday evenings and travels a short distance where it’s processed in the early hours of Monday morning.
How can I be sure Cherry Tree Organics beef and lamb is safe and free of chemicals?
Cherry Tree Organics is certified organic through the National Association for Sustainable Agriculture (NASAA). Our farm is a NASAA certified producer (Certification No. 3491) this guarantees our farm is fully converted to organic farming practices. We undergo period assessments throughout the production and marketing cycle to ensure all products are certified organic. Our award winning abattoir, Radfords, is also certified to process organic meat.
Can I order Elderslie Organics eggs along with my meat?
Yes, however during winter the chickens at Elderslie Organics lay fewer eggs as there are less hours of daylight (they’re obviously not exposed to artificial light). At this time of the year demand exceeds supply therefore our eggs aren’t always available to purchase online.
Can I order certified organic fruit and vegetables along with my meat?
Soon, we’re still trying to get this organised. A select range is available if you would prefer to visit our Beaconsfield store to purchase organic fruit and vegetables. We also stock a small range of organic dairy products from local producers.
Is Cherry Tree Organics meat halal?
Our organic beef and lamb is halal. The organic chickens from Bendele farm are not halal.