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Parmesan crusted lamb cutlets with minted yoghurt

Good quality lamb cutlets are such a delicious indulgence. In this recipe the minted yoghurt and the succulent, rich lamb really is a winning combination. You can crumb the lamb and make the minted yoghurt in advance, just pop in the fridge until you’re ready to cook. I’ve also included some easy substitutions to make this dish gluten free. ~ Lana @wild_apple_acres

For the minted yoghurt:
150g full fat plain Greek yoghurt
1 clove garlic, minced
a small bunch of mint, leaves picked and very finely chopped
juice of half a lemon
salt and pepper, to taste

For the lamb cutlets:
100g breadcrumbs (gluten free, if necessary)
40g parmesan cheese, grated
a small bunch of parsley,  finely chopped (about 2 tablespoons)
50g plain flour (cornflour, if gluten free)
2 eggs
8 Cherry Tree Organics Lamb Cutlets
salt and pepper, to taste
olive oil, for frying

To make the minted yoghurt:

1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix until well combined.
2. Set aside in the fridge until ready to serve.

To make the lamb cutlets:

1. Combine the breadcrumbs, parmesan and parsley on a plate and mix to combine. Place the flour on another plate and whisk the eggs into a shallow bowl. Season the egg mixture with a sprinkle of salt and some pepper.

2. Take a lamb cutlet and gently press into the flour until well coated, shaking off any excess. Dip in the egg and finally coat well in the breadcrumb mixture. Set aside on another plate or small tray. Repeat with remaining cutlets. Cover and place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

3. Heat a large frying pan over a medium heat. Add a good glug of olive oil so the base of the pan is well covered. Cook the cutlets for 3-4 minutes each side, for medium doneness. 

4. Serve the cutlets with the minted yoghurt and some lemon wedges.

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